Cloth Diapers

After much research I have decided I am going to try Cloth Diapers. Yes, you read that correctly, I am going to try Clothing Diapering my little baby. I have been reading, and reading, and reading about all the advantages (and some disadvantages) of using cloth diapers. After all of this (and dragging my husband to Target to show him the price of diapers) we have decided to use cloth diapers. I have a few months more months to continue my research but here are some of the things that really interested me.

1. Saving money. We won't at first, but in the long run, we will save hopefully thousands. The initial investment will be a few hundred dollars. I have narrowed it down to a few different brands (I will do a separate post on that later) and I plan on registering for some of the things I will need instead of registering for disposable diapers.

2. My parents did it! And the ones they used were not even half as great as the ones on the market now.

3. There is a complete community of women who do it and share their stores. I have found blogs, websites and even YouTube videos that have helped me with all of my questions.

4. Helping the environment. I do not recycle everything, I am not crazy about plastic, but I think this is one thing I can do and feel happy about in the long run.

I will post more later as I start buying my diapers, organizing everything I will need and setting up the baby room for easy disposal.