Diaper Anxiety

I am getting actually anxiety thinking about the amount of diapers I am going to need for this little human. The amount of diapers makes me think about the amount of money it is going to cost me.
I have signed up for everything I think I can to help with coupons and points.
Luvs, Huggies, and Pampers all have rewards points and online programs that I am hoping will help me out with some of this craziness that is going on in my head.
I also clip all the coupons I can and watch for deals every Sunday. My husband thought I was crazy at first, but on our last trip to Target I showed him how much diapers were and explained to him how many would be used a day. He was floored. But at least he now understands why I use Sunday morning to drink my coffee (yes, my doctor said it was fine) and go through every ad I can.
Do you have any really good ideas for getting discounts on diapers or where I should shop?
Leave a comment or email me at oliviagilberts@gmail.com