Breastfeeding Blows?

I'm not even out of the first trimester and this question has already come up, by me, by my doctor and by my husband. I have done a lot of research. I realize the benefits of breastfeeding, to both mother and child. But I don't think I want to do it. Once I tell someone that, I get this weird, who the fuck do you think you are, your going to be the worst mother in the entire fucking world, and if they could, I swear they would spit on me.
But isn't it my choice? It's my child, my body, my decision....RIGHT???
Can I at least say why I don't want to do this?
First of all, I want to have a bottle when baby is having a bottle, yes I said that...I want a glass of wine when I want a fucking glass of wine, and I think that I should be able to have it at the same time the baby is eating.
Secondly, I think daddy should help with the feedings. Why should I have to feed the baby all day everyday, it's his child to.
Thirdly, I like my boobs, they are awesome, but they have always been really really really sensitive. My husband can't touch them for long, and at times they hurt very badly.
I am not saying I won't try it, but I also don't want pressure to do it and I don't want negative feedback if it doesn't work out. What if I don't produce milk? What if the baby doesn't latch on? What if the baby doesn't get enough to eat?
I just don't want this to be another stress on my life right now, so please women everywhere when someone says they aren't going to breastfeed, be okay with it, don't judge, because what I really want to do when you look at me like I have three heads is punch you in the face.