Feeling Better

Finally feeling better, not normal yet, but better than I have been. I don't feel as sick if I don't eat and I am not as hungry as I was the last few weeks. Which are all great things because now I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like I am going to die if I don't shove some food in my face right away!
I also have to remember, to keep drinking water. That is key to a lot of my days...I have to drink A LOT of water and not stop when I think it's okay to stop, I have to keep drinking it.
Now that my stomach is feeling better, my legs on the other hand are not. They start hurting when I sit at my desk and I find myself getting up at least every thirty minutes to stretch. My butt also hurts bad in my seat all day. I don't understand it...my chair used to not bother me at all. Oh the joys of pregnancy!