Dressing For The Job

I'm off work for a few days, thank God, and I have some time to write a few blog posts before I go finish my Christmas shopping. Something has been bothering me since I left work to go home the other day and I thought I'd share.
I work in a building that has about a thousand different companies, mostly law offices, so I am constantly surrounded by people in the lobby, elevator, coffee shop. You can't get away from anyone and you start to see the same people over and over. Some people say hello, some shake your hand, some make it a point to get to know your name, and others, those stupid assistant bitches, stare you up and down to make sure you are not betting looking or have a better designer purse than they have.
My first instinct is to stare back because these girls are so insecure that if you stare back at them they turn away real quick. But the thing is, they are staring at me, who usually wears a black suit and if I wear a skirt, it is a pencil one, not to tight that covers my knees. It's called appropriate work attire bitches. I might look a little boring, with the only pop of color coming from my statement necklace or my scarf if it's cold but I don't look like a straight up whore like you do.
Seriously, what are you thinking? I have seen summer dresses, with cut out backs, platform heels and high ponytails. Black nail polish and open toed six inch heels. Large chandelier earrings and bangles for days. Dressing like this makes everyone you encounter think you are one thing, sleeping with your boss. I know this is harsh, but let's put it in perspective. I see you working late and leaving with your male boss at night. I see you going to lunch with your male boss almost every day. I see you talking to him in the garage before you get in your car to leave. I see you, and if I see you, others see you. And I am not singling anyone out here, there are a lot of you, and frankly, I am tired of seeing your thongs stick out from your skirt and your boobs falling out of your top.
Some might ask, are you jealous? No, I'm not jealous. I will give it to some of you, your bodies are bangin! But there is a time and place to show it. Like maybe happy hour AFTER work, or weekends at the beach, or when your out to dinner with the rest of your whore friends.
Because if you really want to put it all out there, you are not respected when you dress like that, you are actually dumbing yourself down. Men who aren't trying to get in your pants no longer think you are smart, they think you are dressed inappropriately and ridiculous.
Cover up, dress for the job, it will get you farther.