
Pinterest PISSES ME OFF. I look at it constantly, waste hours on the couch scrolling through pictures, pinning shit, telling my husband I am going to do this this this this and this to the house. He of course rolls his eyes knowing I have no intention of doing any of it. I fucking hate Pinterest, but I do love it to. It shows me what a loser I really am. I will never have a table set for dinner the way the picture did, I won't be able to make that cake that only has 2 ingredients because let's be honest I would fuck that up to. My home is never going to be that put together or clean. I can't decorate for Christmas the way the pictures say I should. My outfits never look that cool, and I always get deodorant on my shirt. WTF Pinterest, I need therapy after looking at you.
But if you want to follow me, check out what I Pinned Here!