It's Positive

I am married,  I have a good job, I live in a nice home, I own my vehicle, I save as much money as I can, I still bitch about not having enough money, sometimes I am broke, I buy to many shoes, I waste money on Starbucks, I get pedicures more than I should, I buy clothes I can't afford. Anyone else like this? See something you want, you go get it. Spend money on wine and food just because. Say your only going to happy hour, and stay till midnight. Well this was me, until about three weeks ago.
Three weeks ago my life changed. I got sick, I noticed I hadn't started my period (yes I am that female that does not track her periods at all) so I took a test, a pregnancy test, and it was positive.
My first thought, WHAT THE FUCK, HOLY SHIT, Damn it!
Not the reaction I was thinking I would have or want to share with the world, but that's what happened. My own selfish thoughts were in the way. It was almost Christmas, what about the parties, the drinking, the wine, the food?
And then this was me for the next week.
I was sick, really sick, the worst sick. And no amount of medicine was going to take it away. I was miserable (well I still am but more on that later). And then there was telling the husband.
You know, I read about all these other women who tell their husbands and they are so excited and get hugs and start crying. I have watched the videos of the big reveal and the reaction men have on their face of pure bliss and excitement. Not sure who these men are, but they are not my husband.
He asked if I was sure, was the test accurate, should we take another, are you sure you don't have the flu? Um no you idiot, I am pregnant. And thus begins this blog.....