
I might say this a lot in the next few months. Damn I am tired....exhausted! And I have never felt this tired ever in my life before! I used to be able to stay up till 2am, even have a few glasses of wine and wake up early and do it all over again. Those days are gone, LONG GONE.
Now I wake up, I drag ass, I take at least an hour and a half to get ready because if I don't give myself enough time, then I'm late for work. I work a straight eight hours, eating all freaking day long, then I come home, eat some more and I'm done. Passed out on the couch by 7!
This is no joke, this is crazy exhaustion like someone is sucking the life out of me, OH WAIT, that is what's happening!
Also, I drool like never before....the pillows are wet when I wake up. Awesome.